15 April 2012

Making Changes in My Life.

Image from GarlandsofGrace
I swore to myself that when I started this blog, I wouldn't get all spiritual on folks. After all, not everyone is submissive because of spiritual reasons, right?

Well...things are changing in my home, and it's something I feel the need to express. If you don't like it or feel uncomfortable, feel free to skip over this post.

K and I have been making a point lately of spending the evenings when I have off work just talking. We'll sit out on the porch, have a glass of wine or two, and talk about whatever comes up. Lately, what's been coming up is our need to be more spiritual. We spoke at some length about the Amish and the appeal of their community. We talked about why there's so much appeal in that sort of lifestyle for us. And through the course of all that, a few things came into my mind.

Modesty is important, isn't it?

It's part of what separates a spiritual person from your average, everyday sheeple. Being modest shows respect to yourself, to your HOH, and to the Creator. It shows that you value the sacredness of those relationships.

I came to realize that, while I'm not trashy in dress and appearance by any means, I could be doing better. And something moved in me to do better because of it. I spun it around in my head for a day or two, and finally brought it up to HOH: I want to start covering my head.


To show my submissiveness. To show modesty. To feel more feminine. He took in my answers and said he had no problem getting behind it, and my journey took a new turn. We ended up at Walmart in the crafts section, and I picked out a couple different fabrics I liked to turn into head coverings. I also got a nice blue flowered bandana that I thought would do the trick. At home, I did a bunch of research and started making a couple of covers for myself.

Once I put it on, I had this feeling come over me. It felt right...like this was a part of something I'd been missing out on. It's only been a week, but that feeling hasn't gone away. I'm fully aware that it will not, because he and I have in some ways stumbled across a Truth in it. Modesty has its place in our life. Head covering is a way to show that.

Within another day or two, I felt pulled toward looking even more feminine. I had an urge to go through my closet and throw out every pair of slacks I own. Of course, I didn't do that...because I've only a couple skirts and one or two dresses to wear, period. That wouldn't leave much for my daily life at all. But when the opportunity arose to hit up the local Goodwill, we went, and I walked out with three nice floor-length skirts.

Am I saying this sort of thing is for everyone? No, not necessarily...but it could be, and perhaps it should be, too. I'll get to the reasons why I think it can and should be in a future post.


  1. I've been battling this one back and forth. I've read the verses and I've talked with family about it. I'm still left confused. Can you help me understand wearing the head covers?

    1. I'm sorry I hadn't gotten to commenting back to you. For whatever reason, I never got notification of your comment at all!

      Anyway. To me, deciding to cover one's head is very much a personal thing. It was completely my decision, and I didn't make it lightly. It's something I've been considering doing for a number of years but simply didn't have the strength nor the support to follow through with it. Doing so took a lot of time and a lot more prayer to realize that it was right for me.

      Biblically, headcovering was a means of showing headship and a woman's submissiveness to her husband-- a dirty word in this day and age, I know.

      1 Corinthians 11:3 says: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."

      This scripture shows us the Natural Order of headship within the family structure. 1 Corinthians chapter 11 is full of information regarding headship, and gives specific mandates for both women's and men's roles.

      Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Christian. But I AM a biblically-leaning Deist, and I've found it evident that God intends for us to live this way. Why? Because there cannot be two leaders of ANY group without strife. Every company has its president. Every pack of wolves has its Alpha. So on and so forth.

      Regardless of whatever the bible says, it's really up to you. I'd give it time, consideration, and lots of prayer and forethought. I'm sure you'll come up with the answer that's best for you and your relationship!

      Good luck!

  2. As a formerly controlling and disrespectful wife- when I began my journey to learn to respect my husband and submit to him out of reverence for Christ and obeying God's Word as a Christian - covering my head was one of my first steps. I know it is "weird" and not normal even in churches these days for women to do this. But it helped me feel so close to my husband, and to really picture how I am under his protection and authority. I used to take charge myself, I thought I had to. I was way wrong! I just wasn't patient enough in the past to really wait on him and allow him to lead. I love wearing a scarf on my head when I pray. It helps me keep my focus of being humble and helps me stay respectful of my husband and his God-given position of authority over me. And sometimes I wear my scarf tied around my head while I do chores and sing praise songs to God at the top of my lungs. It may sound strange, but it really helps me understand my role as a wife, as being cherished, adored, loved, protected and provided for. I love it!
    Great post!

    1. I love the meaning your words convey! I was never the sort to be controlling or disrespectful, however I cover for all of the same reasons.
